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An important question is whether and where the carriers can pass through the endothelial lining of the blood circulation. The endothelial lining is continuous in most parts of the body and the endothelial cells are positioned on a basal membrane. The exact characteristics of this barrier are still under investigation, but it is clear that particulate systems greater than 10 nm cannot pass this barrier through pores. In the lining of these capillaries the basal membrane is fragmented or even completely missing.

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Unless precautions are taken, particulate carrier systems are readily phagocytosed by these macrophages and tend to accumulate in these cells. Particle charge For liposomes, it has been shown that negatively charged vesicles tend to be removed relatively rapidly from the circulation whereas neutral vesicles tend to remain in the circulation for longer periods.

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The extent and pattern of opsonin adsorption depends highly surface characteristics such as charge and hydrophilicity. A further consideration is that under pathological conditions, endothelium exhibits modified characteristics.

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