

Help purchase a property

Help purchase a property

Help purchase a property

Financial factors

Purchasing a property is a decision that is big. It requires budgeting and planning.

The Australian Government’s Moneysmart web site has information which can help you get yourself started the trail to purchasing your very own home – from exercising if you are prepared to purchase to locating the right home.

There is a spending plan mortgage and planner calculator which can help you exercise exactly exactly what repayments you really can afford.

It’s also crucial to take into account the sort of home you need to purchase.

Homes and townhouses are often freestanding and possess their very own titles that are separate.

Flats and apartments usually have strata titles which enable specific ownership of part of a house. This implies you will have yearly charges, levies and fees that you’ll need certainly to spend.

You will should also look at the other charges that are included with purchasing a residential property, like:

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